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15th ICAAR

…The Influence of ASR Gels Composition on their Swelling Properties Wigum, Børge Johannes. Einarsson, Guðbjartur Jón. Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Iceland Results from Laboratory Testing Compared to Field Exposure Site…

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…is Alkali-Aggregate Reaction? Alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is an overarching term for two types of premature concrete deterioration: alkali-silica reaction (most common) and alkali-carbonate reaction (less common). These forms of deterioration…

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…waste dumps also contain lesser quantities of other rock types, mainly shales, siltstone, lava and diabase. The Free State dumps often also contain lavas and the Far West Rand dumps

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…make an English translation, which can be downloaded for free from the CUR- Bouw & Infra website (the URL is in reference [5]). 2.2 Experience with CUR recommendation 89 Practically,…

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…gave results which classified the aggregates as innocuous even when field experience showed the opposite. Therefore, the concrete prism method is no longer recom- mended for testing aggregates and was…

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…saturation (DCS), pre-drying, specimen size and length of freezing period on unrestrained freezing dilation were studied. Critical freezing dilation testing is well suited to determine durability against internal frost damage….

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…materials and/or chemical admixtures [5]. In fact one testing agency, AFNOR, currently allows for and specifies testing at elevated temperature (60 °C); this standard also allows for the testing of…

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ICAAR Concrete

International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Proceedings Alkali-Aggregate reaction is a an umbrella term for two types of premature concrete deterioration: alkali-silica reaction (most common) and alkali-carbonate reaction (less common). These…

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14th ICAAR

…and Accelerated Testing E.R. Giannini K.J. Folliard Stiffness Damage and Mechanical Testing of Core Specimens for the Evaluation of Structures Affected by ASR K. Kreitman E. Giannini Z. Webb K.J….

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…to the provisional standard a practice for determining aggregate reactivity and determining preventative measures for ASR was not standardized. The provisional practice was published in 2011 with a commentary section…

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