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…FAHLKER, B.; WIEKER, W.; FÜRTIG, H.; ROSCHER, W.; SEIDEL, R.: Untersuchungen zum Bildungsmechanismus von Molsieben. Z. anorg. Allg. Chem. 489, 1978, 95-102 [16] DIN EN 1097-6: 2000: Prüfverfahren für mechanische…

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L – ‘”ICAAR ;”,-:~1 11· CIRAG ~ -‘ ‘–‘ Quebec !lOOO 22. 02. 2010 lIeb InteRnational Con.,:eRence on AlkaU·Agoqegate Reactfon l1e Con’:CRence Inteunatfonale SUQ les Reactfons AlcoLfs-GRonuLots THE PETROGRAPffiC DIAGNOSIS…

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…and the results are given in a series of technical reports published by the Norwegian research institute SINTEF [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]. These reports may be freely downloaded (….

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…concretes were tested for. The deicer solutions (depending on project e.g. potassium acetate or potassium formate) were always diluted to 0.6 mol/l regarding the active component prior to application on…

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…the open porosity value. Chemical analysis and alumina-silicate calculation The sample aggregate was first comminuted in a jaw crusher and then sieved into three fractions of 0.25 to 0.5 mm,…

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…done 32 d after prism production. Comparable porosity of the 1.5 g water glass sample inside the holes was guaranteed by compacting it with a mini proctor hammer (200 g…

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…4.1 Calcium Oxide (CaO) Calcium oxide strongly affects the ash efficiency to mitigate ASR [1, 11, 15]. Current DOD guidelines do not allow Class C fly ash and limit the…

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…reliably relating the analysis of core samples to the original mix composition and in quantifying the current and future ASR damage have deterred studies in this field. Compared to the…

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…with the ambition of obtaining more competent guidelines for production of non-reactive concrete. • Make suggestions for revision of the current guidelines for production of durable concrete given by the…

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SAMEVATTING SYNOPSIS Konferensie oor alkali-aggregaatreaksie in beton Kaapstad – Suid-Afrika 30 Maart – 3 April, 1981 Sekretariaat: NBNI van die WNNR Posbus 395, Pretoria 0001, Suid-Afrika Telefoon (012) 86-9211 Telegramme…

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