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…of free specimens. Before each length measurement, the free concrete specimens and the pressure cells with restrained concrete specimens were removed from the testing environment (38°C and 100% RH) and…

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…1989, Testing aggregates. Methods for samp1ing, Standard BS812:Part 102:1989 10. American Society For Testing And Materials, 1982, Standard practice for sampling aggregates. Standard ASTM D75-82. 11. British Standards Institution, Procedure…

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…were used to transmit data to a LabVIEW program for analysis. Testing was performed in both the longitudinal and transverse modes of free vibration. The dynamic elastic modulus was computed…

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…effect of increase in compression steel on ASR strain. When the compression steel is increased (with constant tension steel) ASR strain in compression zone is reduced. In R5 and R6…

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…Table 3. 2.2 Experimental methods Petrographic examination Besides, the components of each aggregate were identified by Petrographic Examination ASTM C 295 [3] determining the relative amounts of the constituents and…

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L – ‘”ICAAR ;”,-:~1 11· CIRAG ~ -‘ ‘–‘ Quebec !lOOO 22. 02. 2010 lIeb InteRnational Con.,:eRence on AlkaU·Agoqegate Reactfon l1e Con’:CRence Inteunatfonale SUQ les Reactfons AlcoLfs-GRonuLots THE PETROGRAPffiC DIAGNOSIS…

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…S2 weeks at 38 °C improves the compressive strength, compared to week 4 and reduces the elastic modulus. Cores series D and F (control mix, low compressive strength) at weeks…

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…of existing FE software in which the model was developped, availability, type of software: commercial, academics, open-source…); • validation, example on simple test-case. 3.1 Tentative list of models The models…

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