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3rd International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

The Effect of Alkalies on the Properties of Concrete
1976 London
Editor: A.B. Poole


Theme: Introduction


A.B. Poole

Table of Contents/Foreword

G.M. Idorn


H.E. Vivian

Alkalis in Cement and Concrete

Theme: Alkalies in Cement and Cement Manufacture

J. Mander

Alkali Compound Formation of Commercial Portland Cement Clinkers

D. Le Sar

Short Report on Operating a Modern Cement Works

J. Svendsen

Alkali Reduction in Cement Kilns

Theme: The Effect of Alkalies in Cements and Concretes

V. Johansen

Influence of Alkalis on the Strength Development of Cements

A.F. Baker

The Influence of Alkali-Silica Reactivity on the Development of Tensile Bond Strength

S. Sprung
W. Rechenberg

Influence of Alkalis on the Hydration of Cement

S. Sprung
M. Adabian

The Effect of Admixtures on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete

Theme: Investigations of the Reaction Mechanisms

D. Hirche

Water Absorption and Volume Changes of Alkali Silicates in Flint Measured by Thermogravimetry

S. Diamond
R. S. Barneyback, Jr.

A Prospective Measure for The Extent of Alkali-Silica Reaction

A.B. Poole

 Electron Probe Microanalyses of Reaction Zones at Cement/Opal Interfaces

W.J. French

The Role of Solvent Migration in Alkali-Silicate Reactivity

Theme: Identification and Testing of Potentially Reactive Aggregates

H.G. Midgley

The Identification of Opal and Chalcedony in Rocks and Methods of Estimating the Quantities Present

L. Dolar-Mantuani

Petrographic Investigation of Alkali-Reactive Silicate Rocks in Several Structures

H.G. Smolczyk

Alkali Reaction Tests with Sound Aggregate

P.E. Grattan-Bellew G.G. Litvan

Testing Canadian Aggregates for Alkali Expansivity

G. Gudmundsson
H. Ásgeirsson

Addendum – The Effect of Cement Mixtures on Alkali Expansion

S. A. Alsinawi
S. Murad

On the Alkali-Carbonate Reactivity of Aggregates from Iraqi Quarries

Theme: Case Study Investigations

P. G. Fookes

The Chairman’s Introduction to the Session on Case Study Investigations

J. Dahms

Influences on the Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Under Field Conditions

R.E. Oberholster
M.P. Brandt

Report on Reactive Concrete Aggregate from The Cape Peninsula, South Africa

D. Le Sar

Tentative Program of Investigation to Prevent Cement-Aggregate Reaction Occurring in Hardened Concrete

K. Pandurović
V. Dučić

Review of Up to Date Investigations of Alkali Reaction in Concrete with Aggregates from Basic Sources in Some Regions of Yugoslavia

D.A. St John
L.H. Smith

Expansion of Concrete Containing New Zealand Argillite Aggregate

C. White

Ion-Exchangeable Sodium in Concrete Aggregates

L.H. Coombes

Val De La Mare Dam Jersey, Channel Islands

Theme: Concluding Statements


Summary of Proceedings


List of Delegates