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5th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

March 30-April 3, 1981
Cape Town, South Africa
Editor: R.E. Oberholster




Table of Contents

V.L. Granger
T.L. Webb

Opening Address

D.E. Davis

Keynote Address

Theme: Role of Alkalis in Cement Manufacturing

J. Skalny
W.A. Klemm

Alkalis in Clinker: Origin, Chemistry, Effects

J. Svendsen

Alkali Reduction in Cement Kilns

D.E. Damp

The Implication of Producing a Low Alkali Ordinary Portland Cement in the South Western Cape

Theme: Influence of Alkalis on the Properties of Cement and Concrete

J. Gebauer

Alkalis in Clinker: Influence on Cement and Concrete Properties

H.E. Vivian

Alkalis in Cement

Theme: Alkali-aggregate Reaction in Concrete: Occurrence and Manifestation

P.E. Grattan-Bellew

Canadian Experience of Alkali-Expansivity in Concrete

J.W. Figg

Reaction Between Cement and Artificial Glass in Concrete

R.E. Oberholster

Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in South Africa – A Review

Theme: Testing for Potential Reactivity of Aggregates and Cements

P.E. Grattan-Bellew

A Review of Test Methods for Alkali-Expansive of Concrete Aggregates

M.P. Brandt
R.E. Oberholster
W.B. Westra

The Alkali-Aggregate Reaction: A Contribution Concerning the Determination of the Reactivity of Portland Cements

M.P. Brandt
W.B. Westra

A Contribution to the Determination of the Potential Alkali Reactivity of Tygerberg Formation Aggregates

R.A. Kennerley
D.A. St. John
L.M. Smith

A Review of Thirty Years of Investigation of the Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in New Zealand

I. Sims

The Application and Reliability of Standard Testing Procedures for Potential Alkali-Reactivity

Session 6

Excursion: Background of Affected Structures to be Visited

Theme: Appraisal, Prevention and Rehabilitation

H.E. Vivian

A Working Appraisal of Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete

G.E. Blight
J.R. Melver
W.K. Schutte
R. Rimmer

The Effects of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction on Reinforced Concrete Structures Made with Witwatersrand Quartzite Aggregate

G.M. Idorn

The Relevance of Research on Alkali-Aggregate Reactions to Precautions in Contemporary Engineering Practice

J.C. Flanagan

Alkali-Aggregate Reaction: Practical Preventive and Remedial Measures

R.T.L. Allen

Alkali-Silica Reaction in Great Britain – A Review

C.J. Semmelink

Field Survey of the Extent of Cracking and Other Details of Concrete Structures Showing Deterioration Due to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in the South Western Cape Province

Theme: Alkali-aggregate Reaction in Concrete Pavements

C.R. Freeme
B. Shackel

Evaluation of a Concrete Pavement Affected by the Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Using a Heavy Vehicle Simulator

N. var der Walt P.J. Strauss
O. Schnitter

Rehabilitation Analysis of Road Pavement Cracked by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

Session 9

Panel Discussion: Practical Applications of Research Findings

Theme: Alkali-aggregate Reaction Mechanisms

S. Diamond
R.S. Barneyback Jr L.J. Struble

On the Physics and Chemistry of Alkali-Silica Reactions

L.S.D Glasser N. Kataoka

The Chemistry of Alkali-Aggregate Reactions

U. Ludwig

Theoretical and Practical Research on the Alkali-Silica Reaction

J.E. Gillott
R.J. Beddoes

Continuing Studies of Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Concrete

D. Lezner

Influence of the Amount of Mixing Water on the Alkali-Silica Reaction

L.O. Nilsson

Pop-Outs Due to Alkali-Silica Reactions – A Moisture Problem?

H.E. Vivian

The Effect of Drying on Reactive Aggregate and Mortar Expansions

Theme: Mineral Admixtures and the Prevention of Alkali-aggregate Reaction

R.F.M Bakker

About the Cause of the Resistance of Blastfurnace Cement Conrete to the Alkali-Silica Reaction

D.W. Hobbs

Expansion due to Alkali-Silica Reaction and the Influence of Pulverised Fuel Ash

R.E. Oberholster
W.B. Westra

The Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures in Reducing Expansion Due to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction with Malmesbury Group Aggregate

F.G. Buttler
S.R. Morgan
E.J. Walker

Studies on the Rate and Extent of Reaction Between Calcium Hydroxide and Pulverised Fuel Ash at 38o C

B.D.C Johnson

The Use of Fly Ash in Cape Town RMC Operations

Special Session

Special Discussion Session

Theme: Petrographic and Electron Microscope Examination of Aggregate and Concrete

A.B. Poole

Alkali-Carbonate Reactions in Concrete

M. Regourd
H. Hornain
P. Poitevin

The Alkali-Aggregate Reaction – Concrete Microstructural Evolution

L. Dolar- Mantuani
A. Vander Voet

Undulatory Extinction in Quartz Used for Identifying Potentially Alkali-Reactivity Rocks

W. Coull

Characteristics and Service Record of Commonly Used South African Aggregates

Appendix A

Appendix A

Theme: Closure

T.L. Webb

Summing Up

P.J. Nixon
M.E. Gaze

The Use of Fly Ash and Granulated Blastfurnace Slag to Reduce Expansion Due to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction