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…0.0 2.3 0.0 0.1 0.4 sum 99.1 96.3 98.6 99.7 99.8 100 99.9 99.6 99.8 99.8 99.4 99.8 TABLE 2: Variability of gels in concretes with andesite (sample…

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…at all field sites. The reactivity potential of these aggregate combinations was successfully identified with all test methods. Some aggregate combinations that were classified as “slowly” reactive showed first signs…

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…in the aggregates and consequently to enable re-assessment of the reactivity. Comparison between the point-counted composition and the notional composition based on nominal mix design data indicated that the point…

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…and H(0,97) are high alkali cements according to ASTM C150-78a”. Blended cement 1(1,05) complies with the compositional requirements of both ASTM C595-79 7 and SABS 831-1971 e. The slagment complies…

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…S2 weeks at 38 °C improves the compressive strength, compared to week 4 and reduces the elastic modulus. Cores series D and F (control mix, low compressive strength) at weeks…

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…total Ca concentration slows down. Compared to the total CH3COO– concentration (not shown in Figure 5), there are only a few percent of Ca-acetate complexes in the solution. Comparable results…

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…total Ca concentration slows down. Compared to the total CH3COO– concentration (not shown in Figure 5), there are only a few percent of Ca-acetate complexes in the solution. Comparable results…

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…inthe concrete is replacéd. For this judgement the specifie surface is_important too. Alkali expansion in concre~e can be prevented completely by suitable_dust-fine admixtures. The efficiency of admixtures is due to…

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…Agg- reg- ate Aggregate type (mm ) Statistics2 Sum II+III Comments Sum II+III Comments Sum II+III Comments average 90? median 98 minimum 71? N1 (C) Cataclasite 4-16 maximum 100 3…

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…effect of increase in compression steel on ASR strain. When the compression steel is increased (with constant tension steel) ASR strain in compression zone is reduced. In R5 and R6…

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