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…FHWA-RD-03-047, Federal Highway Administration, McLean. [8] Folliard, Kevin J, Michael D.A. Thomas, Benoit Fournier, Kimberly E. Kurtis, and Jason H. Ideker (2006). Interim Recommendations for the Use of Lithium to…

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Applicability of Standard Alkali-Silica Reactivity Testing Methods for Recycled Concrete Aggregate Matthew P. Adams 1*, Brian Gray1, Jason H. Ideker1, Jennifer E. Tanner2, Angela Jones2, Benoit Fournier3, Sean Beauchemin3, Medhat…

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EVALUATING COMBINATION OF AGGREGATES IN THE ACCELERATED MORTAR BAR TEST Thano Drimalas1, Jason H. Ideker2, Gloriana Arrietta1, Kevin J. Folliard1, Benoit Fournier3 Michael D.A.Thomas4 1The University of Texas at Austin,…

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…of concrete aggregates selecting appropriate measures for preventing deleterious expansion in new concrete construction. FHWA-HIF-09-001. [11] Fournier, B, Chevrier, R, Grosbois, M, Lisella, R, Folliard, KJ, Ideker, J, Shehatad, M,…

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…aggregates which have CPT38 expansion values above 0.05% (Figure 5). Ideker et al. [17] found that the early expansion rate at 60°C is larger than that at 38°C, but that…

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…great potential to analyze the reactivity of aggregates in a fast and reliable way. 9 REFERENCES [1] Thomas, M.; Fournier, B.; Folliard, K.; Ideker, J.; Shehata, M. Test Methods for…

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