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ALKALI AGGREGATE REACTION IN ICELAND – NEW TEST METHODS Sóley Unnur Einarsdóttir, Børge Johannes Wigum* Mannvit Engineering, Grensásvegur 1, IS-108 REYKJAVIK, Iceland Abstract In this project, four different test methods…

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…the expansion of concrete due to alkali silica reaction. Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 30, No. 7: 1063- 1072. [14] Thomas, MDA, Fournier, B, Folliard, K, Ideker, J and Shehata,…

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…of Concrete Research (50) 147–159. [16] B. Fournier, J.H. Ideker, K.J. Folliard, M.D.A. Thomas, P.C. Nkinamubanzi, R. Chevrier (2008): Effect of environmental conditions on expansion in concrete due to alkali–silica…

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…Folliard, K. J.; Ideker, J. H.; Resendez, Y. (2007): The use of lithium to prevent or mitigate alkali-silica reaction in concrete pavements and structures. FHWA-HRT-06- 133, Federal Highway Administration, U.S….

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