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sieve and to be retained on a 150 mμ (No. 100) sieve. Reaction between sodium hydroxide solution 1 N and siliceous component in the aggregate for 24 h at 80…

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…effect of increase in compression steel on ASR strain. When the compression steel is increased (with constant tension steel) ASR strain in compression zone is reduced. In R5 and R6…

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…2. All ~ pozzolanic admixtures comply with the require- ments for minimum content of (SiO. + AI.03 + Fe.03); maximum content of S03; maximum content of MgO and maximum percentage…

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…rise to alkali-silica reaction, though differing in the speed of reaction, basalt are rapid-reacting and granite, slow-reacting aggregates. The aggregates were mixed with 15 experimental composite cements, following composition of…

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…of the concrete prism test (CPT). The mineralogical compositions determined by XRD on finely powdered samples are summarized in Table 1. As SCMs were used two aluminium containing commercially available…

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…by hydration products. When blastfurnace cement particles hydrated more aluminium and silica were set free and com– bined with calcium hydroxide from the opc clinker grains, to form more CSH…

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…Agg- reg- ate Aggregate type (mm ) Statistics2 Sum II+III Comments Sum II+III Comments Sum II+III Comments average 90? median 98 minimum 71? N1 (C) Cataclasite 4-16 maximum 100 3…

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…CaO + gaseous SO. and 0.) sodium potassium sulphate (ss) (aphthitalite) Na.SO. o 3K.SO. 968 calcium potassium sulphate (calcium langbeinite) 2CaSO.. K.SO.. 1011 calcium potassium sulphate hydrate (syngenite) CaSO.. K.SO…..

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…Verfahren zur selektiven Zerkleinerung von Beton. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (2003). [16] Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton; DAfStb (Hrsg.): Vorbeugende Maßnahmen gegen schädigende Alkalireaktion im Beton (The German Alkali-Guideline). Ausgabe Februar 2007. [17]…

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