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compared with previously published [2] [3] and unpublished results of laboratory expansion testing at BRE for similar aggregates and aggregate combinations, to determine the likely risk of ASR for these…

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3rd ICAAR Londres (1976)

compound composition of clinker and affect its behaviour while alkali compounds, which greatly exceed the solubility of ether clinker compounds, may affect the physical properties and hydration characteristics of cement…

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…pp19 + appendices. [May be downloaded for free from:] [4] Schouenborg, B (to be published): PARTNER Report No 4.1. ”Precision Trial – Determination of repeatibility and reproducibility of the…

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…evident at lower temperatures. SINTEF and Norcem (part of Heidelberg Cement company) participated actively in the European research project PARTNER (2003-2006) (, where the issue was testing methods for concrete…

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…BDII appear reversed compared to the ASTM classification, however, BDII has 8.45% Na2Oeq compared to 2.25% for DM. When compared to the CSA standard [19], the chemical index also shows…

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…and the results are given in a series of technical reports published by the Norwegian research institute SINTEF [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]. These reports may be freely downloaded (….

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16th ICAAR

…Einarsson Testing of Icelandic aggregates and various binders – laboratory vs. field; A decade of results and experiences B. J. Wigum J. Lindgard RILEM Technical Committee 258-AAA. Development of a…

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Center A central data center capable of storing and recording data from past and future field trials and demonstrations will be developed. The data center will be capable of allowing…

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