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9th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

London, England
Editor: A. B. Poole

Theme: Introduction
Author(s) Title
A.B. Poole Table of Contents/Preface
Theme: Reactive Aggregates 
P.L. Rayment The Relationship between Flint Microstructure and Alkali-Silica Reactivity

P. Rémy

M. Brouxel

Wollastonite: A Reactive Mineral to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

B. Zatler-Zupancic

A. Mladenovic

Alkali Reactive Components in the Sand and Gravel of the River Danube and its Tributaries

D. Bragg

K. Foster

Relationship between Petrography and Results of Alkali-Reactivity Testing, Samples from Newfoundland, Canada
L. De Ceukelaire Alkali-Silica Reaction in a Lightweight Concrete Bridge
G.P. Hammersley Procedures for Assessing the Potential Alkali-Reactivity of Aggregate Sources
T. Katayama Petrographic Study on the Potential Alkali-Reactivity of Ferro-Nickel Slags for Concrete Aggregates
W.J. French The Characterization of Potentially Reactive Aggregates

A. Shayan

G.W. Quick

C.J. Lancucki

S.J. Way

Investigation of some Greywacke Aggregates for Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity

B. Lagerblad

J. Trägårdh

Slowly Reacting Aggregates in Sweden – Mechanism and Conditions for Reactivity in Concrete

R.G. Sibbick

C.L. Page

Susceptibility of Various UK Aggregates to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
Theme: Undulatory Extinction of Quartz

A.S. Smith

A.C. Dunham

G. West

Undulatory Extinction of Quartz in British Hard Rocks

G. Barisone

G. Restivo

Alkali-Silica Potential Reactivity of Undulatory Extinction Quartz in the Western Alpine Arch

A.K. Mullick

R.C. Wason

S.K. Sinha

Potential Reactivity of Quartzite Aggregates Containing Strained Quartz
P.E. Grattan-Bellew Microcrystalline Quartz, Undulatory Extinction and the Alkali-Silica Reaction
Theme: Testing Aggregates by standard methods

P.J. Nixon

I. Sims

RILEM TC106 Alkali-Aggregate Reaction-Accelerated Tests; Interim Report and Summary of Survey of National Specifications
P. Livesey Alkali Susceptibility of UK Aggregates
D.W. Hobbs Deleterious Reactivity of a Number of UK Aggregates and an Examination of the Draft BS Concrete Prism Test

W. Prince

R. Perami

A New Method for Quick Detection of Reactive Aggregate in Mortar and Concrete

H. Tamura

T. Takahashi

M. Ohashi

Minimising of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete

K. Kishitani

M. Kobayashi

H. Tamura

Development and Standardization of a Rapid Method for Identification of the Susceptibility to AAR in Concrete
B. Bollotte Development of an Accelerated Performance Test on Concrete for Evaluating its Resistance to AAR

D. Sorrentino

J.Y. Clément

J.M. Golberg

A New Approach to Characterize the Chemical Reactivity of the Aggregates

R.D. Hooton

C.A. Rogers

Development of the NBRI Rapid Mortar Bar Test Leading to its use in North America

P. Bamforth

W.F. Price

S.J. Widdows

Evaluation of the Susceptibility to ASR of Concrete Mixes Containing Marine-Dredged Aggregates

A. Criaud

C. Vernet

C. Defossé

A Rapid Test for Detecting the Reactivity of Aggregates: The Microbar Method

M.A. Bérubé

B. Fournier

N. Dupont

P. Mongeua

J. Frenette

A Simple Autoclave Mortar Bar Method for Assessing Potential Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in Concrete

M.A. Bérubé

B. Fournier

N. Dupont

P. Mongeua

J. Frenette

C. Ouellet

Effectiveness of the Accelerated Mortar Bar Method, ASTM C-9 Proposal P 214 or NBRI, for Assessing Potential AAR in Quebec (Canada)

G. Barisone

G. Restivo

Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Alluvial Deposits Evaluated using Chemical and Psammographic Methods
G. Brown Study of the Potential for further Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Aggregates in Hardened Concrete

P.A. Dahl

I. Meland

V. Jensen

Norwegian Experience with Different Test Methods for Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity

N.M. El-Tilib

B.R. Forehead

C.M. Sangha

Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Sudanese Aggregates

B. Fournier

M.A. Bérubé

A Comparison of Laboratory Testing Methods for Evaluating Potential Alkali-Reactivity in the St Lawrence Lowlands (Quebec, Canada)

H. Imai

Y. Ishoika

I. Nakamura

Aggregate Inspection
T. Knudsen The Chemical Shrinkage Test; some Corollaries

M. Salomon

J.L. Gallias

Rapid Test Method for Evaluating Potential Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates by Autoclaving Treatment

A. Shayan

I. Ivanusec

R. Diggins

Comparison between Two Accelerated Methods for determining Alkali Reactivity Potential of Aggregates
Theme: Testing concrete
S. Nishibayashi Concrete Test Method for Alkali-Silica Reaction (JCI AAR-3)

F. Tomosawa

M. Yokoyama

An Experimental Study on Alkali Reactivity of Ferro-Nickel Slag Aggregate for Concrete

A. Nielsen

F. Gottfredsen

F. Thørgersen

Recycling of Concrete with Alkali-Reactive Aggregate

R. Ranc

L. Debray

Reference Test Methods and a Performance Criterion for Concrete Structures

R. Ranc

J.M. Golberg

L. Debray

Application of Reference Test Methods, of the Kinetic Test and of the Performance Test to Assess AAR

A. Le Roux

A. Zelwer

R. Dron

M. Salomon

Ionic Evolution of Pore Solutions Associated with Alkali Reactivity

D.A. St John

R.L. Goguel

Pore Solution/Aggregate Enhancement of Alkalies in Hardened Concrete

N. Thaulow

M.R. Geiker

Determination of the Residual Reactivity of Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete

M. Kawamura

M. Igarashi

K. Takeuchi

Relationships between Alkali Content, Expansion and Pore Solution Composition in Opal-Bearing Mortars Immersed in NaCl Solution

R. Herr

W. Wieker

The Hydroxide-Sulphate Ion Equilibrium in Cement Paste Pore Solutions and its Significance to the Theory of AAR in Concrete

F.X. Deloye

L. Divet

The Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Quantitative Aspects

J.S. Guedon

A. Le Roux

F. Martineau

Visualisation of Alkali-Reaction Products by Fluorescence. Development of the Method for the Survey of Structures
W.J. French Comparison of the Canadian and British Standard Concrete Prism Tests and the Effect of Reduced Permeability on Test Results
Theme: Evaluation of Structural Effects

L.A. Clark

K.E. Ng

Prediction of the Punching Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slabs with ASR

Y. Diab

D. Prin

Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Structural Effects: A Finite Element Model

R.J. Cope

L. Slade

Effect of AAR on Shear Capacity of Beams, without Shear Reinforcement

W. Koyanagi

R. Rokugo

Y. Uchida

Mechanical Properties of Concrete Deteriorated by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Under Various Reinforcement Ratios

M.F. Habita

M. Brouxel

D. Prin

Mechanical Properties of Concrete Deteriorated by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Under Various Reinforcement Ratios
I. Jawed Alkali-Silica Reactivity – a Highway Perspective

F. Bach

T.S. Thorsen

M.P. Nielsen

Load-Carrying Capacity of Structural Members Subjected to Alkali-Silica Reactions

P.S. Chana

D.M. Thompson

Laboratory Testing and Assessment of Structural Members Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction

I.M. May

H.X. Wen

R.J. Cope

The Modelling of the Effects of AAR Expansion on Reinforced Concrete Members

C. Rajkumar

A.K. Mullick

Cracking in Prestressed Concrete Beams Due to ASR in Cable Grout

S.R. Rigden

J.M. Salam

E. Burley

The Influence of Stress Intensity and Orientation upon the Mechanical Properties of ASR-Affected Concrete

S.R. Rigden

Y. Majlesi

E. Burley

Bond Stress Failure in Alkali-Silica Reactive Reinforced Concrete Beams

J.G.M. Wood

D.K. Doran

Revision of the Institution of Structural Engineers’ Report – Structural Effects of Alkali-Silica Reaction
Theme: Damaged Structures, Evaluation, Management, Repair

R.E. Oberholster

H. Maree

J.H.B. Brand

Cracked Prestressed Concrete Railway Sleepers: Alkali-Silica Reaction or Delayed Ettringite Formation

C. Larive

N. Louarn

Diagnosis of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction and Sulphate Reaction in French Structures

B. Godart

P. Fasseu

M. Michel

Diagnosis and Monitoring of Concrete Bridges Damaged by AAR in Northern France

K. Ono

O. Yoshikawa

H. Imai

K. Okada

Monitoring of AAR Bridge Pier by Vibration Measurement

M.G. Alexander

G.E. Blight

B.J. Lampacher

Pre-Demolition Tests on Structural Concrete Damaged by AAR

M. Salomon

J. Caude

L. Hasni

Diagnosis of Concrete Structures Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

R.F. Bolton

J. Wang

Secondary Effect of ASR on Durability of Concrete: Freeze/Thaw

T. Miyagawa

S. Inoue

M. Fujii

N. Uehata

Effect of Concrete Surface Treatment on Expansion due to Alkali Aggregate Reaction
A. Carse The Identification of ASR in the Concrete Cooling Tower Infrastructure of the Tarong Power Station

M. Fujii

K. Kobayashi

O. Yoshikawa

K. Ono

M. Matsumura

Reinforcement of AAR Damaged Concrete Beam

T. Kojima

T. Miyagawa

K. Nakano

Y. Yamaguchi

S. Kobayashi

Effect of Coating to Inhibit AAR in Concrete Structures

A. Le Roux

E. Massieu

B. Godart

Evolution Under Stress of a Concrete Affected by AAR – Application to the Feasibility of Strengthening a Bridge by Prestressing

R.N. Swamy

S. Tanikawa

Acrylic Rubber Coating to Control Alkali-Silica Reactivity
M.A. Taylor Quantitative Monitoring of Alkali-Aggregate Reactions Using Acoustic Emission
Theme: Chemistry and Mechanisms of Reaction

S. Diamond

S. Ong

The Mechanisms of Lithium Effects on ASR

L. Curtil

J. Gielly

M. Murat

Chemical Behaviour of Natural Opal and Silica Glass in Basic Solutions. Application to AAR

S.V. Laing

K.L. Scrivener

P.L. Pratt

An Investigation of Alkali-Silica Reaction in Seven-Year-Old and Model Concretes using SEM and EDS

R. Gang

M. Baoguo

W. Changyong

C. Kehao

Damage to Concrete caused by Magnesium-Rich Aggregate

M. Baoguo

C. Kehao

On Magnesite Aggregate Reaction and Ways for Improvement

M. Kawamura

K. Torii

K. Takeuchi

S. Tanikawa

Expansion and Cracking due to Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concretes under the Two Different Environments

M. Brouxel

A. Valiere

Thaumasite as the Final Product of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction: A Case Study

B. Durand

R. Roux

J. Houde

A. Blanchette

Free Expansions and Stresses in Concrete related to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
A.B. Poole Alkali-Silica Reactivity Mechanisms of Gel Formation and Expansion

J. Duchesne

M.A. Bérubé

Relationships between Portlandite Depletion, Available Alkalies and Expansion of Concrete made with Mineral Admixtures

C.L. Page

G. Sergi

D.M. Thompson

Development of Alkali-Silica Reaction in Reinforced Concrete Subjected to Cathodic Protection
V.M. Moskvin Analysis of Interaction of Silica and Alkalis in Concrete
T. Katayama A Critical Review of Carbonate Rock Reactions: is their Reactivity Useful or Harmful?

O. Batic

J. Sota

P. Maiza

Montmorillonite Included in some Aggregates, a Principal Factor of AAR

P. Maiza

S. Marfil

O. Batic

Identification of Zeolites in Concretes Affected by ASR. Effect of Different Aggregates

S. Nishibayashi

K. Yamura

Effect of Reactive Fine Aggregate on Expansion Characteristics of Concrete due to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

W. Prince

R. Perami

Mechanism of the A1kali-Dolomite Reaction

T. Uomoto

Y. Furusawa

H. Ohga

A Simple Kinetics-Based Model for Predicting A1kali-Silica Reaction
H.E. Vivian The Mechanism of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete
Theme: Review of Guidance and Specification and Regional Reviews

J.W. de Courcy

N.M. Ryan

Managing ASR in the Republic of Ireland

B. Godart

A. Le Roux

The Principles of AAR Preventive Measures Adopted by the French Ministry of Equipment
S.F. Crosswell Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in the Western Cape Region of South Africa – a Review:

D. Prin

M. Brouxel

Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Northern France: A Review

V. Jensen

S.W. Danielsen

Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Southern Norway
T. Mingshu Classification of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

T. Mingshu

H. Sufen

L. Yingyong

Q. Chunxiang

Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Beijing Area of China
W.M.M. Heijnen Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in the Netherlands
D.A. St John Alkali-Aggregate Investigations in New Zealand – Report on Work Carried Out Since 1989
J.G.M. Wood Specification for Major Projects
Theme: Cement Replacements and Additives

B.Q. Blackwell

M.D.A. Thomas

P.J. Nixon

K. Pettifer

The use of Fly Ash to Suppress Deleterious Expansion due to AAR in Concrete Containing Greywacke Aggregate

M.D.A. Thomas

B.Q. Blackwell

K. Pettifer

Suppression of Damage from Alkali-Silica Reaction by Fly Ash in Concrete Dams

M. Berra

T. Mangialardi

A.E. Paolini

R. Turriziani

Effect of Fly Ash on Alkali-Silica Reaction

M.D. Connell

D.D. Higgins

Effectiveness of GGBS in Preventing ASR

C.A. Rogers

R.D. Hooton

Comparison between Laboratory and Field Expansion of Alkali-Carbonate Reactive Concrete
J.S. Lumley The ASR Expansion of Concrete Prisms made from Cements Partially Replaced by Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag

F. Naiqian

J. Xihuang

Y. Zhitao

Effect and Mechanism of Natural Zeolite for Preventing Expansion due to ASR

M.A. Bérubé

J. Duchesne

Does Silica Fume Merely Postpone Expansion due to Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity?

K. Nakano

I. Ginyama

S. Yoneda

K. Shibasaki

T. Sone

R. Tomita

K. Watada

Y. Murota

Y. Nagao

H. Ushiyama

Y. Tomita

Y. Murata

Study on Preventive Conditions of Alkali-Silica Reaction

H. Wang

J.E. Gillott

Effect of some Chemicals on Alkali-Silica Reaction

H. Wang

J.E. Gillott

Combined Effect of an Air-Entraining Agent and Silica Fume on Alkali-Silica Reaction
D.C. Stark Lithium Salt Admixtures an Alternative Method to Prevent Expansive Alkali-Silica Reactivity

M. Nakajima

H. Nomachi

M. Takada

S. Nishibayashi

Effect of Admixtures on the Expansion Characteristics of Concrete Containing Reactive Aggregate

T.R. Jones

G.V. Walters

J.A. Kostuch

Role of Metakaolin in Suppressing ASR in Concrete Containing Reactive Aggregate and Exposed to Saturated NaCl Solution

A. Criaud

C. Vernet

C. Defossé

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures: A Quick Mortar Bar Test at 150°C

J. Duchesne

M.A. Bérubé

An Autoclave Mortar Bar Test for Assessing the Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures in Suppressing Expansion due to AAR

H.A. El Sayed

A.H. Ali

Susceptibility of Concrete Admixed with Non-Chloride Accelerators to ASR

L. Hasni

M. Salomon

Inhibition of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction by Non-Pozzolanic Treatment

Y. Kuramoto

Y. Nakamura

M. Shimamura

Control of AAR by Catalyzed Alkali Discharge

Y. Ohama

K. Demura

I. Wada

Inhibiting Alkali-Aggregate Reaction with Alkyl Alkoxy Silanes

K. Ono

M. Taguchi

S. Kanefuji

T. Tokuno

N. Yamada

Effect of Coating to Inhibit AAR in Concrete Structure

I. Sims

D. Higgins

The Use of GGBS to Prevent ASR Expansion Caused by UK Flint Aggregates
Author Index Author Index