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8th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

The Effect of Alkalies on the Properties of Concrete
Kyoto, Japan
Editors: K. Okada, S. Nishibayashi, and M. Kawamura 

Theme: Introduction
Author(s) Title
K. Okada Table of Contents/Preface
G.M. Idorn Alkali-Silica Reactions in Retrospect and Prospect
J. Figg An Historical Perspective on One-and-Half Decades of AAR Research
S. Nishibayashi Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in Japan-A Review


National Reviews of Alkali-Aggregate Reactions

A. Carse

P. Dux

Alkali-Silica Reaction in Australian Concrete Structures
D.W. Hobbs Cracking and Expansion due to Alkali-Silica Reaction in the United Kingdom
S. Chatterji A Critical Review of the Recent Danish Literature on Alkali-Silica Reaction
D. Van Gemert Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Belgium: Concrete Highway and Office Building
D.A. St John Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in New Zealand -A Continuing Problem
C.A. Rogers Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in Canada
H. Ólafsson AAR Problems in Iceland-Present State

G. Baronio

M. Berra

The Occurrence of AAR in a Concrete Structure in Italy
R.E. Oberholster Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in South Africa: Some Recent Developments in Research


Mechanisms of Alkali-Silica Reaction

S. Diamond ASR-Another Look at Mechanisms

G. West

R.G. Sibbick

A Mechanism for Alkali-8i1ica Reaction in Concrete Roads
S. Chatterji Mechanisms of Alkali-Silica Reaction and Expansion
I. Meland Alkali-Silica Reaction in Tilecovered Concrete

M. Kawamura

K. Takemoto

M. Ichise

Influences of the Alkali-Silica Reaction on the Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete

H. Uchikawa

S. Uchida

S. Hanehara

Relationship between Structure and Penetrability of Na Ion in Hardened Blended Cement Paste, Mortar and Concrete

P.J. Nixon

C.L. Page

J. Hardcastle

I. Canham

K. Pettifer

Chemical Studies of Alkali Silica Reaction in Concrete with Different Flint Contents
T.N. Jones Mechanism of Reactions Involving British Chert and Flint Aggregates

Y. Seno

Y. Mori

K. Kobayashi

Expansion Properties of Mortars and Variation in Components of Pore Solutions due to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

M. Tang

Y. Lu

S. Han

Kinetics of Alkali-Carbonate Reaction

T. Yonezawa

V. Ashworth

R.P.M. Procter

The Mechanism of Fixing CI by Cement Hydrates Resulting in the Transformation of NaCl to NaOH

A. Carles-Gibergues

J.P. Ollivier

B. Fournier

M.A. Bérubé

A New Approach to the Study of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Mechanisms

L. Struble

S. Diamond

Influence of Cement Pore Solution on Expansion


Effect of Mineral and Chemical Admixtures on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

D.W. Hobbs Effect of Mineral and Chemical Admixtures on Alkali Aggregate Reaction

H. Wang

J.E. Gillott

The Effect of Superplasticizers on Alkali-Silica Reactivity

P.P. Hudec

E.Y. Larbi

Chemical Treatments and Additives to Minimize Alkali Reactivity

G.K. Moir

J.S. Lumley

Influence of Partial Cement Replacement by Ground Granulated Slag on the Expansion of Concrete Prisms Containing Reactive Silica

R.N. Swamy

M.M. Al-Asali

Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures in Controlling ASR Expansion

H. Nomachi

M. Takada

K. Harada

S. Nishibayashi

Effects of Admixtures on Expansion Characteristics of Concrete Containing· Reactive Aggregate

A.K. Mullick

R.C. Wason

C. Rajkumar

Performance of Commercial Blended Cements in Alleviating ASR
C. Lee Active Alkalis in Cement-Fly Ash Paste

Y. Sakaguchi

M. Takakura

A. Kitagawa

T. Hori

F. Tomosawa

M. Abe

The Inhibiting Effect of Lithium Compounds on Alkali -Silica Reaction

G. Samuel

R.C. Wason

A.K. Mullick

Evaluation of AAR Potential of Limestone Aggregates in India

J. Farbiarz

D.C. Schuman

R.L. Carrasquillo

P.G. Snow

Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Fly Ash Concrete

K. Kohno

A. Sugimoto

T. Kashiwai

Effects of Finely Ground Silica, Silica Fume and Red Mud on Alkali-Si1ica Reaction and Concrete Strength

Y. Ohama

K. Demura

M. Kakegawa

Inhibiting Alkali-Aggregate Reaction with Chemical Admixtures

K. Ukita

S. Shigematsu

M. Ishii

K. Yamamoto

K. Azuma

M. Moteki

Effect of Classified Fly Ash on Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR)

T. Kojima

S. Amasaki

N. Takagi

Effectiveness of Silica Fume in Reducing Damage due to Alkali-Silica Reaction

M. Kawamura

M. Koike

K. Nakano

Release of Alkalis from Reactive Andesitic Aggregates and Fly Ashes into Pore Solution in Mortars


Test Method and Criteria for Alkali-Reactivity of Aggregate

P.E. Grattan-Bellew Test Methods and Criteria for Evaluating the Potential Reactivity of Aggregates
S. Chatterji A Simple Chemical Test Method for the Detection of Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Aggregates
M. Ohtsu Short-Term Evaluation of Mortar Bar Test by Acoustic Emission

D. Sorrentino

R. Ranc

B. Cariou

Methodology of an Industrial Research Laboratory to Assess the Reactivity of Aggregates. Focus on Reproductibility Problems

P.P. Hudec

J.A. Larbi

Rapid Methods of Predicting Alkali Reactivity       
A. Shayan Experiments with Accelerated Tests for Predicting Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity

C.A. Rogers

R.D. Hooton

Leaching of Alkalies in Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Testing

H. Tatematsu

T. Sasaki

Proposal of a New Index for a Modified Chemical Method

K. Ishikawa

H. Chino

K. Katawaki

Study on New Rapid Test Method for Evaluating Aggregate Reactivity

S. Miura

S. Kanamitsu

T. Yamamoto

J. Kawanishi

Relation between Dissolution of Aggregate in Alkali Solution and Mortar-Bar Expansion

H. Tamura

T. Takahashi

M. Ohashi

A Test Method on Rapid Identification of the Future Susceptibility of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Fresh Concrete (Fresh-Con GBRC Rapid Method)

K. Kishitani

M. Kobayashi

Development and Standardization of a Rapid Test Method for Indentification of the Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates

B. Fournier

M.A. Bérubé

Alkali-Reactivity Potential of Carbonate Rocks from the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Quebec. Canada)

M. Abe

F. Tomosawa

T. Mano

K. Togasaki

A Study on the Simple Rapid Test Method Used to Judge the Alkali Reactivity of Aggregate

T. Kanazu

H. Ohnuma

T. Nakano

H. Ishida

Study on the Rapid Estimation Method of Alkali Aggregate Reaction Using Concrete Specimens

C. Tashiro

K. Yamada

Study of Relationship between Alkali-Aggregate Reaction and Electrical Resistivity

S. Kobayashi

H. Kawano

K. Morihama

Y. Ishii

Study on Accuracy of 40mm Mortar Bar Test

S. Kobayashi

T. Takaki

M. Tsujiko

A. Hirama

A Simple Concrete Bar Test with Double Layered Cylindrical Specimens

C. Clergue

A. Corneille

Search to a New, Rapid and Reliable Test Method with a View to Evaluate the Damage Risk in Concrete due to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

R. Duggan

F. Scott

New Test for Deleterious Expansion in Concrete

K. Nakano

I. Ginyama

S. Yoneda

F. Shibazaki

T. Sone

R. Tomita

K. Watada

Y. Murota

Y. Nagao

H. Ushiyama

Y. Tomita

Y. Murata

Study on Expansion Properties of Alkali Reactive Aggregate by Concrete

K. Katawaki

S. Moriya

Y. Wakisaka

O. Kato

Comparison of the Results of the Chemical Method and Mortar Bar Expansion Test for Determining Aggregate Reactivity

J.W. Schmitt

D.C. Stark

Recent Progress in Development of the Osmotic Cell to Determine Potential for Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Aggregates

L. Struble

M. Brockman

Standard Aggregate Materials for Alkali-Silica Reaction Studies

R.D. Hooton

C.A. Rogers

Evaluation of Rapid Test Methods for Detecting Alkali-Reactive Aggregates


Reaction Products and Petrographic Examination

M. Regourd-Moranville Products of Reaction and Petrographic Examination

M. Tang

M. Wang

S. Han

Microstructure and Alkali Reactivity of Siliceous Aggregate

E. Soers

M. Meyskens

Petrographical Research on Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Concrete Structures in Belgium

O. Kato

S. Moriya

H. Chino

K. Ishikawa

K. Katawaki

Study on Analytical Techniques for Improving the Chemical Method

A. Shayan

G. Quick

Microstructure and Composition of AAR Products in Conventional Standard and New Accelerated Testing

M.G. Alexander

J.R. McIver

S.M. Glynn

Assessment of the Deterioration of an Airport Concrete Apron due to AAR

K.T. Andersen

N. Thaulow

The Application of Undulatory Extinction Angles (UEA) as an Indicator of Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Concrete Aggregates

L.H. Rao

S.K. Sinha

Textural and Microstructural Features of Alkali Reactive Granitic Rocks
K. Morino Alkali Aggregate Reactivity of Cherty Rock

G. Barisone

G. Bottino

R. Pavia

Alkali-Silica Reaction Potentially Bearing Minerals in Alluvial Deposits of Calabria, Umbria, and Toscana Regions (ITALY)
T. Uno Alkali-Silica Reactions by Opal Particles in Japan

Y. Wakizaka

S. Moriya

H. Kawano

K. Ichikawa

Mineralogical Interpretations of Dissolved Silica and Reduction in Alkalinity of the Chemical Method

T. Katayama

T. Futagawa

Diagenetic Changes in Potential Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity of Siliceous Sedimentary Rocks in Japan -A Geological Interpretation

T. Katayama

T. Futagawa

Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in New Brunswick, Eastern Canada-Petrographic Diagnosis of the Deterioration

T. Katayama

D.A. St John

T. Futagawa

The Petrographic Comparison of Some Volcanic Rocks from Japan and New Zealand -Potential Reactivity Related to Interstitial Glass and Silica Minerals

T. Nishiyama

H. Kusuda

K. Nakano

A Few Remarks on Alkali-Reactive Chert Aggregates

I. Nishizaki

K. Katawaki

The Characterization of ASR Products and Alkalies in Cement Paste

K. Natesaiyer

K.C. Hover

Some Field Studies of the New Insitu Method for Identification of Alkali Silica Reaction Products
J.S. Lumley Synthetic Cristobalite as a Reference Reactive Aggregate

R. Shiraki

K. Kobayashi

Quality and Quantity Determinations of Reactive Substances in Volcanic Rocks

N. Thaulow

J. Holm

K.T. Andersen

Petrographic Examination and Chemical Analysis of the Lucinda Jetty Prestressed Concrete Roadway
Theme:  Effects of Environmental Conditions on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction and Preventive Measures
U. Ludwig Effects of Environmental Conditions on Alkali Aggregate Reaction and Preventive Measures
H. Kawakami A Reinforced Concrete Building Deformed by Alkali Aggregate Reaction

H. Hamada

N. Otsuki

T. Fukute

Properties of Concrete Specimens Damaged by Alkali Aggregate Reaction. Laumontite Related Reaction and Chloride Attack under Marine Environments

K. Okada

M. Tezuka

T. Yoshikawa

M. Himeno

M. Komada

Alkali Aggregate Reaction: An Investigation on Its Causes and Strength Evaluations of Materials Subjected to Its Effects

S. Nishibayashi

K. Yamura

K. Sakata

Research on Influence of Cyclic Wetting and Drying on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

G. Davies

R.E. Oberholster

The Effect of Different Outdoor Exposure Conditions on the Expansion due to Alkali-Silica Reaction

T. Kuihara

K. Katawaki

Effects of Moisture Control and Inhibition on Alkali Silica Reaction

H. Chen

P.E. Grattan-Bellew

Effect of Cement Composition on Expansion of Mortar Bars due to Alkali-Silica Reaction

K. Kobayashi

R. Shiraki

K. Kawai

Influence of Alkali Concentration Distribution Occurring in Concrete Members on Expansion and Cracking due to Alkali-Silica Reaction
Theme:  Assessment and Repair of Damaged Concrete Structure
K. Ono Assessment and Repair of Damaged Concrete Structure

L.A. Clark

K.E. Ng

The Effects of Alkali Silica Reaction on the Punching Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slabs

K. Takemura

E. Tazawa

A. Yonekura

Y. Abe

Mechanical Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Column Affected by Alkali Aggregate Reaction
N. Clayton Structural Performance of ASR Affected Concrete

D.K. Doran

J.F.A. Moore

Appraisal of the Structural Effects of Alkali-Silica Reaction
R.N. Swamy Structural Implications of Alkali Silica Reaction

M. Abe

S. Kikuta

Y. Masuda

F. Tomosawa

Experimental Study on Mechanical Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Members Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

S. Ohno

Y. Yoshioka

Y. Shinozaki

T. Morikawa

The Mechanical Behaviour of Beams Coated after Alkali Silica Reaction Damage

T. Kojima

M. Tomita

K. Nakano

A. Nakaue

Expansion Behavior of Reactive Aggregate Concrete in Thin Sealed Metal Tube

K. Okada

Y. Mizumoto

K. Nakano

K. Ono

M. Matsumura

Study of Alkali-Silica Reaction by Reinforced Concrete Models

A. Shayan

I. Ivanusec

Influence of NaOH on Mechanical Properties of Cement Paste and Mortar with and without Reactive Aggregate

R. Pleau

M.A. Bérubé

M. Pigeon

B. Fournier

S. Raphaël

Mechanical Behavior of Concrete Affected by ASR

S. Inoue

M. Fujii

K. Kobayashi

K. Nakano

Structural Behaviors of Reinforced Concrete Beams Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction
G.E. Blight Experiments on Waterproofing Concrete to Inhibit AAR
D. Palmer Aspects of the Diagnosis of Alkali-Silica Reaction

J.F.A. Silveira

J.C. Degaspare

A.J.C.T. Cavalcanti

The Opening of Expansion Joints at the Moxotõ Powerhouse to Counteract the Alkali-Silica Reaction

H. Ichihara

M. Shimamura

I. Koshiishi

Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Railway Prestressed Concrete Bridges

S. Nishibayashi

K. Yamura

K. Sakata

Evaluation of Cracking of Concrete due to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

J.G.M. Wood

P. Norris

D. Leek

Physical Behaviour of AAR Damaged Concrete in Structures and in Test Conditions

M. Ishizuka

S. Utoh

K. Kuzume

M. Sugimoto

M. Nishiboshi

Characteristics of Road Structures Damaged by AAR on the Hanshin Expressway due to Continuous Observation

M. Tomita

T. Miyagawa

K. Nakano

Basic Study for Diagnosis of Concrete Structure Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction Using Drilled Concrete Core

J.G.M. Wood

R.A. Johnson

An Engineers Perspective on U.K. Experience with Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

K. Okada

S. Utoh

H. Imai

K. Ono

Concrete Structures Damaged by Alkali-Silica Reaction

A.J.C.T. Cavalcanti

J.F.A. Silveira

Investigations on the Moxotõ Powerhouse Concrete Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction

S. Kobayashi

H. Kawano

K. Morihama

Y. Ishii

The Background of AAR Preventive Measures Adopted by the Japanese Ministry of Construction

S. Raphaël

S.L. Sarkar

P.C. Aitcin

Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity – Is It Always Harmful?

M. Takeyoshi

K. Katawaki

Study on the Effect of Concrete Surface Coating for Prevention of Alkali Silica Reaction

A. Kobayashi

K. Kirimura

K. Kuboyama

T. Kojima

Evaluation of Surface Treatment Effect for Preventing Excessive Expansion due to Alkali-Silica Reaction

T. Taki

M. Takeyoshi

K. Noda

K. Katawaki

Suppression of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction by Concrete Surface Coating

M. Koike

K. Katawaki

S. Moriya

Development of Injection Materials and the Standard for Repairing Damage to Structures Caused by AAR

S. Amasaki

N. Takagi

The Estimate for Deterioration due to Alkali-Silica Reaction by Ultrasonic Spectroscopy

W. Koyanagi

K. Rokugo

H. Morimoto

H. Iwase

Characteristics and Simulation of Concrete Cracks Caused by AAR
K. Katawaki Recent Diagnosis and Repair Techniques for Damaged Concrete Structure by ASR-A Guideline for Public Works Structure-

S. Moriya

H. Obata

K. Katawaki

M. Koike

Study on the Reducing Reactivity Rate of Concrete Used with Repairing Materials in Laboratory and Field

K. Kobayashi

T. Kojima

S. Utoh

K. Ono

M. Matsumura

Repair of Concrete Structures Damaged by Alkali-Silica Reactions and Its Effects

M. Fujii

T. Miyagawa

M. Tomita

K. Ono

M. Imae

Effect of Coating to Inhibit Alkali-Aggregate Reaction of Concrete Structures

M. Fujii

K. Kobayashi

T. Miyagawa

M. Hisada

Surface Treatment for Concrete Structures Damaged by Alkali-Aggregate Expansion

F. Tomosawa

K. Tamura

M. Abe

Influence of Water Content of Concrete on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
Author Index Author Index