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10th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

Melbourne, Australia
Editor: Ahmad Shayan

Theme: Introduction
Author(s) Title
Ahmad Shayan Table of Contents/Preface
Theme: Keynote Lectures
S. Diamond Alkali – Silica Reactions : Some Paradoxes
G. Idorn Systematic ASR Research : Australian Research 1940s’ to 1958
P.E. Bellew-Grattan A Critical Review of Accelerated AAR Tests
D.M. Roy J.H. Lee AAR Investigation of Concretes for Storage of Radioactive Wastes
M. Regourd-Moranville Modelling of Expansions Induced by ASR : New Approaches
R.N. Swamy Assessment and Rehabilitation of AAR – Affected Structures
Theme: National Reviews on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity
A. Shayan W.K. Green F.G. Collins Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Australia
M.O. Braga Reis H.S. Silva A.S. Silva Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Portuguese Structures. Some Case Histories
B. Fournier A. Bilodeau V.M. Malhotra CANMET I Industry Research Consortium on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity (ASR)
W.M.M Heijnen J.A. Larbi A.J.M. Siemes Alkali-Silica Reaction in the Netherlands
J. Noh Y. Lee J. Chung J. Yoon Presence of Alkali-Silica Reactive Aggregates in Korea
R.E. Oberholster Case Studies of the Practical and Economical Impact of Alkali-Silica Reaction in South Africa
V. Jensen Present Experience with Aggregate Testing in Norway
H.S. Silva M.O. Braga Reis A.S. Silva Geological Conditioning of ASR Development. A Brief Evaluation of Portuguese Mainland
D.A. St John S.A.Freltag Fifty Years of Investigation and Control of AAR in New Zealand
W.L. Tse S.T. Gilbert A Case Study of the Investigation of AAR in Hong Kong
T. Yen B.L. Chu C.K. Lu J.C. Liao Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in Western Taiwan
Theme: General Topics on Alkali Aggregate Reaction
I. Sims Phantom, Opportunistic, Historical and Real AAR – Getting Diagnosis Right
D.A. St John S.A. Freitag Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Existing Structures – What Can it Tell Us?
A. Leshchinsky J. Pattison I. Domitru G. Smorchevsky Alkali-Silica Reaction; Ready-Mixed Concrete Producers’ View Point
M. Tang M. Deng Z. Xu X. Lan S. Han Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in China
A. Le Roux J-S. Guedon-Dubied The French Preventitive Approach to AAR Compared to Experience
Theme: Diagnosis of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete
D.W. Hobbs Diagnosis of the cause of Cracking in Four Structures in Which ASR is Occurring
K-J. Hunger H. Wollgam R. Frey Concrete Damage caused by Greywacke Reactions – an AAR?
V. Andrei M. Muntean A. Oltean Investigation of ASR by Physico-Chemical Analysis in the Case of different Constructions from Romania
R.J. Leamon A. Shayan Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in a Concrete Water Storage Tank
T. Katayama D. Bragg Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Combined with Freeze/Thaw in Newfoundland, Canada Petrography using EPMA
Z. Shu M. Deng Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in the Cement Concrete Pavements of Airport
I. Ross A. Shayan Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Western Australia: Investigations on the Causeway Bridge and some Aggregate Sources
M. Deng Z. Xu X. Lan M. Tang Railway Ties Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reactions
M. Nadu M. Schieber J. Nissenbaum M. Braiman S. Boyko D. Shtakelberg Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Experiments in Israeli.
Theme: Testing for Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity
R.D. Hooton Recent Developments in Testing for ASR in North America
G. Barisone G. Restivo The ASTM C 289 Method and the Kinetic Test in the Study of Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Italian Alluvial Deposits
T. Katayama M. Ochiai H. Kondo Alkali Reactivity of some Japanese Carbonate Rocks based on Standard Test
B. Fournier V.M. Malhotra Inter-Laboratory Study on the CSA A23.2-14A Concrete Prism Test for Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in Concrete
X. Mu Z. Xu M. Deng M. Tang Abnormal Expansion of Coarse-Grained Calcite in Autoclaved Method
D.W. Hobbs Long Term Movements due to Alkali-Silica Reaction and their Prediction
P.A. Dunbar P.K. Mukherjee R. Bleszynski M.D.A. Thomas A Comparison of Damage Rating Index with Long-Term Expansion of Concrete Prisms due to Alkali-Silica Reaction
K. Kishitani M. Kobayashi H. Tamura Study on a Standard Rapid Test Method for Identification of ASR Susceptibility of Concrete
A.K. Mullick R.C. Wason NBRI Tests on Aggregate Containing Strained Quartz
A.A. Ramezanianpour M. Karimi Evaluation of Aggregates for AAR using Accelerated Test Methods
D. Stark Immersion Test to Identify Cement Alkali Levels and Pozzolans to Prevent ASR
C. Rogers Multi-Laboratory Study of Accelerated Mortar Bar Test for Alkali-Silica Reaction
S. Nishibayashi T. Kuroda S. Inoue Y. Okawa Expansion Characteristics of AAR in Concrete by Autoclave Method
T. Katayama T.S. Helgason H. Olafsson Petrography and Alkali-Reactivity of some Volcanic Aggregates from Iceland
J.B. Ashby Blast Furnace Slag’s Potential Alkali Reactivity and Long Term Service
Theme: Structural Effects of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
A.E.K. Jones L.A. Clark A Review of the Institution of Structural Engineers Report “Structural Effects of Alkali-Silica Reaction (1992)”
T. Thorsen E.S. Larsen Alkali-Silica Reactions in Damaged Concrete – Static and Dynamic Tests – Material Investigations
K. Takemura M. Ichitsubo E. Tazawa A. Yonekura Mechanical Performance of ASR Affected Nearly Full-Scale Reinforced Concrete Column
J.M. Salam S.R. Rigden E. Burley The Influence of Stress Intensity and Time of Application on the Mechanical Properties of ASR Affected Concrete
T. Wang S. Nishibayashi K. Nakano Fractal Analysis of Cracked Surface in AAR Concrete
I.M. May R.J. Cope H.X. Wen Modelling of the Structural Behaviour of AAR Affected Reinforced Concrete Members
Y. Majlesi S.R. Rigden E. Burley Restraint Effects on the Performance of Various ASR Structural Elements
J.G.M. Wood P. Nixon P. Livesey Relating ASR Structural Damage to Concrete Composition and Environment
W. Koyanagi K. Rokugo Y. Uchida H. Iwase Deformation Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Deteriorated by AAR
B. Durand C. Gravel K. Saleh S. Tremblay G. Ballivy Some Considerations on the Evaluation of Potential Residual Expansion of AAR Affected Hydroelectric Dams
C. Qian H. Guo J. Wang A. Yan Influence of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction on Flexural Properties of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete
Theme: Preventive Effects of Mineral Admixtures on AAR
M. Berra G. De Cassa T. Mangialardi Evolution of Chemical and Physical Parameters of Blended Cement Mortars Subjected to the NaOH Bath Test
B.Q. Blackwell M.D.A. Thomas K. Pettifer P.J. Nixon An Appraisal of UK Greywacke Deposits and Current Methods of Avoiding AAR
N.K. Blaikie A.J. Bowling A. Carse The Assessment and Management of Alklai-Silica Reaction in the Gordon River Power Development Intake Tower
S.I. Pavlenko M.A. Shmelkov Effect of Silica Fume on Reducing Risk of Free Lime Expansion in Cementless Concrete
H. Hornain B. Thuret S. Guedon-Dubied A. Le Roux F.I. Laporte Influence of Aggregates and Mineral Additives on the Composition of the Pore Solution
B. Durand Review of Methods used at Hydro-Quebec to Prevent Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Concrete Structures
M.D. Connell D.D. Higgins Effectiveness of Granulated Blastfurnace Slag in Preventing Alkali Silica Reaction
A. Shayan R.G. Diggins I. Ivanusec Long-Term Effectiveness of Flyash in Preventing Deleterious Expansions due to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete
Q. Bian X. Wu M. Tang S. Nishibayashi T. Kuroda et. al Effect of Reactive Aggregate Powder on Suppressing Expansion· due to Alkali-Silica Reaction
M.D.A. Thomas B.Q. Blackwell Summary of BRE Research on the Effect of Fly Ash on Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete
G. Gudmundsson H. Olafsson Silica Fume in Concrete – 16 Years of Experience in Iceland
W.J. French C. Tye Autoclave Testing of Concrete with Respect to AAR
P.X. Fu Y.L. Li H.M. Feng Q. Huang Alkali-Silica Reactive Aggregates in Beijing Area
Theme: Effects of Surface Coatings and Cathodic Protection on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
B. Godart M. Michel P. Fasseu Treatment of Structures by Water-Proof Coating
T. Miyagawa A. Hattori M. Fujii S. Kurihara Effect of Various Types of Silanes on Expansion due to Alkali-Silica Reaction
F. Salome Field Evaluation of the Mitigating Effect of Silane Treatment on AAR in Concrete Railway Sleepers
M. Wakasugi H. Kamimoto T. Miyagawa H. Tamura T. Hori S. Okabayashi Effect of Concrete Surface Coating on Prevention of Alkali Silica Reaction
S. Tanikawa J-C. Laiw R.N. Swamy A Flexible Acrylic Rubber Surface Coating, a Cure for ASR Expansion
J. Wang M. Humphrey D. Bayer Control of ASR Expansion by Coatings
M. Kawamura K. Torii K. Takeuchi S. Tanikawa Long-Term ASR Expansion Behaviour of Concrete Cubes in Outdoor Exposure Conditions
T.K.M. Al-Kadhimi P.F.G. Banfill The Effect of Electrochemical Re-Alkalisation on Alkali-Silica Expansion in Concrete
T. Kuroda S. Nishibayashi Q. Bian Study of Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Electrical Fields
K. Torii M. Kawamura K. Matsumoto K. Ishii Influence of Cathodic Protection on Cracking and Expansion of the Beams due to Alkali-Silica Reaction
Theme: Modelling of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
C. Larive O. Coussy Behaviour of AAR-Affected Concrete. Part 1: Modelling
C. Larive A. Laplaud M. Joly Behaviour of AAR-Affected Concrete. Part 2: Experimental Data for a Theoretical Model
H.X. Wen R.V. Balendran Use of Analytical Methods to Estimate Concrete Deterioration Due to AAR
B. Capra J.P. Bournazel M. Moranville-Regourd A Mathematical Modelling to Describe the Effects of Alkali-Aggregates Reactions in Concrete Structures
A. Sellier J.P. Bournazel A. Mebarki Modelling the Alkali-Aggregate Reaction within a Probabilistic Framework
Theme: Aggregate Reactivity
A. Shayan J.A. Ferguson Reactive Quartz Gravel from Eastern Victoria
C-K. Park S-K. Hyun H-K. Oh Investigation of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Aggregates
K. Nakano I. Ginyama A. Matsunaga T. Toshigi Y. Ono R. Tomita et al. Study on Alkali Carbonate Rock Reaction of Japanese Limestone Aggregate
J. Shirke K. Venugopal B.M. Rame Gowda Pyroclastic and Associated Basalts of India in Relation to AAR
F.H. Shrimer Evaluation of an Alkali-Reactive Aggregate Undetected by Petrographic Methods
T. Liang M. Tang Concurrence of Alkali-Silica and Alkali-Dolomite Reaction
P.L. Rayment C.A. Haynes The Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Flint Aggregates
B.J. Wigum A Classification of Norwegian Cataclastic Rocks for Alkali-Reactivity
A.S. Joyce Petrographic Aspects of Alkali-Silica Reaction in Eastern Australian Concretes
G. Barisone G. Restivo Alkali-Silica Reactivity of some Italian and European Flints
R. Goguel Selective Dissolution Techniques in AAR Investigation : Application to an Example of Failed Concrete
Theme: Mechanisms of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
D.E. Macphee F.P. Glasser A Modelling Approach to the Prediction of Pore Fluid Alkalinity in Concretesv
F. Martineau J-S. Guedon-Dubied C. Larive Evaluation of the Relationships between Swelling, Cracking, Developments of Gels
W. Prince R. Perami B. Baulande A New Device for AAR Swelling Pressure Determination
M. Radonjic K.V. Ragnarsdottir G.C. Allen P. Livesey Spectroscopic Studies of Alkali Induced Reactions at Cement Carbonaceous Aggregate Interfaces
Theme: Effects of the Environment on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
R.G. Sibbick C.L. Page Effects of Sodium Chloride on the Alkali-Silica Reaction in Hardened Concretes
J. Duchesne M.A. Berube Effect of Deicing Salt and Sea Water on ASR: New Considerations Based on Experimental Data
M. Kawamura T. Takeda K. Takeuchi Role of Gypsum in Expansion of Mortars Containing Reactive Aggregate in NaCl Solution
Y. Ohama K. Demura D. Suzuki Evaluation of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Inhibitors by Partial Immersion Test of Concrete in 2.5% NaCl Solution
J. Tragardh B. Lagerblad Influence of ASR Expansion on the Frost Resistance of Concrete
Theme: Other Preventative Measures for Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
D.B. Stokes Use of Lithium to Combat Alkali Silica Reactivity
Q. Bian S. Nishibayashi T. Kuroda X. Wu M. Tang Various Chemicals in Suppressing Expansion due to Alkali-Silica Reaction
Y. Kuramoto Y. Nakamura Y. Matsuda Effects of Alkali Substitution on Suppression of AAR
H.H. Wang D.B. Stokes F. Tang Compatibility of Lithium Based Admixture with other Concrete Admixtures
A. Le Roux B. Godart Evolution of AAR Preventive Measures Adopted in France
Theme: Theory and Research Topics
M-A. Bérubé J. Duchesne M. Rivest Alkali Contribution by Aggregates to Concrete
J. Lombardi P. Massard A. Perruchot Do the Alkalis Belong to the Structure of Gels Products of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction?
Q. Chunxiang G. Hongding Influence of Alkali Content on the Properties of Concrete Containing Beijing Aggregate
W. Wieker C. Hubert R. Ebert Contribution to the Chemical Reaction Mechanism of the Alkali-Silica-Reaction
R. Dron F. Brivot Solid-Liquid Equilibria in K-C-S-H / H20 Systems
J. Lombardi A. Perruchot P. Massard C. Larive Study of Ca-Si Gels, Products of Alkali Silica Reaction
Theme: Microstructure in Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
A.B. Poole H.H. Patel V. Sheikh Alkali Silica and Ettringite Expansions in ‘Steam Cured’ Concretes
J.P. Bournazel M. Moranville-Regourd A. Sellier Microstructure of Steam Cured Concretes Deteriorated by Alkali-Silica Reaction
V. Andrei A. Criaud Alkali-Aggregate Reactions Products Identified in Concrete after High Temperature Cure in Alkaline Solution at 150 C
M. Saito M. Kawamura Alkali-Silica Reaction in Reactive Aggregate-Cement Paste Interfacial Regions
Z. Xu D. Lu S. Han M. Tang An Occurrence of AAR in a Cooling Tower in China
F. Jehenne H. Homain G. Martinet Pop-Out Formation and Bulk Cracking of Concrete Induced by Calcareous Metamorphic Aggregates in Tropical Environment
Theme: Repair and Maintenance of Structures Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
G. Blight Engineering Properties of Reinforced Concrete Damaged by AAR
K. Okada M. Fujii Y. Yamaguchi S. Kobayashi Maintenance System for Highway Structures Damaged by ASR
T. Miyagawa K. Ono K. Nakano Y. Yamaguchi S. Kobayashi Evaluation of New Materials Developed for Repairing AAR Damaged Reinforced Concrete Structures
K. Domon S. Moriya T. Uchida H. Fukuda T. Taki K. Noda An Experimental Study on AAR-Inhibiting Effects of Various Repair Methods
M.J.S. Davies W.R. Grace W.K. Green F.G. Collins Assessment and Management of a Marine Structure Affected by ASR
A. Carse The Asset Management of a Long Bridge Structure Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction
K. Okada K. Sonoda T. Kojima K. Seki Y. Murayama Deterioration of Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Alkali Aggregate Reaction
M. Fujii K. Kobayashi T. Kojima Y. Adachi S. Kurihara An Experimental Study on Strengthening ASR-Damaged Reinforced Concrete members with carbon fiber sheet
K. Takeo H. Matsushita Y. Matasufuji T. Sato Surveys and Repairs of AAR-Damaged Concrete Structures : (Bridge Substructure and Water Tank)
M-A. Bérubé D. Chouinard L. Boisvert J. Frenette M. Pigeon Influence of Wetting-Drying and Freezing-Thawing Cycles, and Effectiveness of Sealers on ASR