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14th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

Austin, Texas, USA



S. Medeiros
T. Katayama
V. Zanon
I. Fernandes
A.S. Silva
J.C. Nunes
V. Miranda
V. Ramos
D. Soares

Assessment of the Potential Alkali-Reactivity of Volcanic Aggregates from Azores Islands

V. Ramos
I. Fernandes
A.S. Silva
D. Soares
F. Noronha

Petrographic Characterization vs. Laboratory Test Methods Applied to Granitic Aggregates

J. Lindgård
T.F. Rønning
M.D.A. Thomas

Development of an ASR Performance Test: Preliminary Results form a PhD Study

J. Lindgård
M. Haugen
N. Castro
M.D.A. Thomas

Advantages of Using Plane Polished Section Analysis as Part of Microstructural Analyses to Describe Internal Cracking Due to Alkali-Silica Reactions

S. Warner
J.H. Ideker
K. Schumacher

Alkali-Silica Reactivity and the Role of Alumina

F. Locati
S. Marfil
P. Maiza
E. Baldo

Characterization of ASR Products in a 40-Year-Old Highway Province of Córdoba, Argentina

G.M. Ahlstrom

The United States Federal Highway Administration’s Alkali-Silica Reactivity Development and Deployment Program

J,F, Seignol
B. Godart

A Collective Effort to Propose Practical Guidance on the Use of Numerical Models to Re-Assess AAR-Affected Structures

J.F. Seignol
O. Omikrine-Metalssi
N. Baghdadi
F. Toutlemonde

From AAR to DEF: Numerical Modeling of Structures Affected by Expansive Reactions in Concrete

B. Godart
I. Sims
P. Nixon
B. Capra
M. de Rooij
J. Wood

The Rilem Guidance on Appraisal and Management of Structures Damaged by AAR

S. Abdullah
A. Shayan
R. Al-Mahaidi

Strain Monitoring of CFRP Wrapped RC Columns Damaged by Alkali Aggregate Reaction

S. Marfil
O. Batic
P. Maiza

Petrography of Potentially Alkali-Reactive Sandstone from Argentina

K. Torii
I. Prasetia
T. Minato
K. Ishii

The Feature of Cracking in Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders Deteriorated by Alkali-Silica Reaction

T. Daidai
O. Andrade
K. Torii

The Maintenance and Rehabilitation Techniques for ASR-Affected Bridge Piers with Fracture of Steel Bars

T. Habuchi
K. Torii

Corrosion Characteristics of Reinforcement in Concrete Structures Subject to ASR and Seawater Attack in Marine Environment

S. Inoue
Y. Mikata
Y. Takashi
K. Inamasu

Residual Shear Capacity of ASR Damaged Reinforced Concrete Beams with Ruptured Stirrups

R.P. Martin
C. Bazin
F. Toutlemonde

Alkali Aggregate Reaction and Delayed Ettringite Formation: Common Features and Differences

R.P. Martin
J.C. Renaud
S. Multon
F. Toutlemonde

Structural Behavior of Plain and Reinforced Concrete Beams Affected by Combined AAR and DEF

O. Andiç-Çakır
O.  Çopuroğlu
T. Katayama

A Review of Alkali-Silica Reactivity in Turkey: A Case Study from Izmir, West Anatolia

A. Giorla
C. Dunant
A. Guidoum
K. Scrivener

Experimental and Numerical Study of Alkali-Silica Reaction Under Multi-Axial Load

Y. Mikata
Y. Shimazu
Y. Hatano
S. Inoue

Flexural and Shear Capacity of PRC Beams Damaged by Combined Deterioration Due to ASR and Corrosion

C. Rogers
C.A. MacDonald

The Geology, Properties and Field Performance of Alkali-Aggregate Reactive Spratt, Sudbury and Pittsburg Aggregate Distributed by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation

D. Bulteel

Threshold Effect of LiOH, LiCl or LiNO3 on Alkali-Silica Reaction

A. Dressler
L. Urbonas
D. Heinz

Effect of Alkali Ingress and Binder Composition on Damaging ASR

P. Droz
J.F. Seignol
R. Leroy
L. Boldea

Strategy for the Rehabilitation of Salanfe Dam

C.F. Dunant
E.C. Bentz

The Effect of Multi-Axial Restraint on ASR-Affected Concrete

X.X. Gao
S. Multon
M. Cyr
A. Sellier

Contribution to the Requalification of Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Damaged Structures: Assessment of the ASR Advancement in Aggregates

X.X. Gao
S. Multon
M. Cyr
A. Sellier

Scale Effect of Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Expansion

A. Leemann
C. Merz

Comparison Between AAR-Induced Expansion Determined with an Ultra-Accelerated Microbar Test and a Concrete Performance Test

A. Leemann
C. Merz

An Attempt to Validate the Concrete Performance Test with the Degree of AAR-Induced Damage Observed in Concrete Structures

A. Leemann

Alkali-Silica Reaction Autogenous Deformations and Pressure Development in a Model System

A. Leemann
C. Merz

Assessment of the Residual Potential of Concrete from Structures Damaged by AAR

M. Nomura
A. Komatsubara
M. Kuroyanagi
K. Torii

Evaluation of the Residual Expansivity of Cores Due to Alkali-Silica Reaction in Hokuriku District, Japan

A.A. Ramezanianpour
S. Hajighasemali

Flexural Strength of ASR Affected Beams Under Sustained Loading

A.A. Ramezanianpour
M. Shafikhani

ASR Test Methods Evaluation for Concretes Containing Natural Pozzolans

C. Anaç
R. Esposito
O. Çopuroğlu
E. Schlangen
M.A.N. Hendriks

A Tool for Concrete Performance Assessment for ASR Affected Structures: An Outlook

N. Castro
B.J. Wigum
M.A.T.M. Brockmans

Deleterious Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete: Relationship Between Mineralogical and Microstructural Characteristics of Aggregates Versus Expansion Tests

P.E. Grattan-Bellew

Petrographic Methods Foe Distinguishing Between Alkali-Silica, Alkali-Carbonate Reactions and Other Mechanisms of Concrete Deterioration

Y. Kubo
M. Nakata

Effect of Types of Reactive Aggregate on Mechanical Properties of Concrete Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction

T. Niina
S. Matsumoto
Y. Hisari
D. Murahashi
T. Miyagawa

Fundamental Study for Controlling ASR Expansion by Silane Penetrant System

T. Miyagawa
T. Yokoyama
H. Yonekawa
T. Mita
K. Nakamura
T. Ookubo

Strengthening Effect on Prestressed Concrete Members Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR)

K. Utsunomiya
H. Uenakada
K. Sakiya
T. Niina
Y. Adachi

Cracking Behavior and Deterioration Suppression Effect of Protective Surface Coatings on ASR-Affected Structures

B.J. Wigum

Assessment and Development of Performance Tests for Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Iceland

M.P. Adams
B. Gray
J.H. Ideker
J.E. Tanner
A. Jones
B. Fournier
S. Beauchemin
M. Shehata
R. Johnson

Applicability of Standard Alkali-Silica Reactivity Testing Methods for Recycled Concrete Aggregate

R. Bachmann
K.J.  Hünger

Interactions of Chemical and Physical Parameters of Aggregate Grains for a Better Understanding of Alkali-Silica-Reaction

I. Borchers
C. Hünger

Seven Years of Field Site Tests to Assess the Reliability of Different Laboratory Test Methods for Evaluating the Alkali-Reactivity Potential of Aggregates

W.F. Cândido
N.P. Hasparyk
H. Carasek
P. Monteiro

Study of Lithium Treatments in Mitigating Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

T. Chappex
K. Scrivener

Controlling Alkali-Silica Reaction by Understanding the Contribution of Aluminum Provided by Supplementary Cementitious Materials

T. Couto
N.P. Hasparyk
H. Carasek

Chemical and Mineralogical Behavior of Brazilian Aggregates in Expansive ASR

R. Esposito
M.A.N. Hendriks

A Review of ASR Modeling Approaches for Finite Element Analyses of Dams and Bridges

X. Feng
B. Clark

Correlations between the Laboratory Test Methods for Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Aggregates

R. Fertig
J. Tanner

Evaluation of ASR Potential in Wyoming Aggregates Using Multiple Accelerated Tests

R.N. Florindo
J.F. Schneider
N.P. Hasparyk
P.J.M. Monteiro
L. Eiger

Alkali-Silica Reaction in Quartzite Treated by a Silane Analyzed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

K.J. Hünger
C.  Hübert
Y. Scholz
J. Kronemann            

Changes of Pore Solution Composition Under Accelerated Mortar Bar and Concrete Prism Test Conditions

T. Kim
J. Olek

Influence of Lithium Ions on the Chemistry of Pore Solutions in Pastes and Mortars with Inert Aggregates

V.L. Harish
P.R. Rangaraju

Investigations into Alkali-Silica Reaction in Calcium Sulfo-Aluminate Cement Mortars and its Blends with Pozzolans

A.K. Mukhopadhyay
G. Hassan
K.W. Liu
D. Zollinger

A New Kinetic Type Rapid Aggregate ASR Test Method

M. PourGhaz
R. Spragg
J. Castro
J. Weiss

Can Acoustic Emission be Used to Detect Alkali Silica Reaction Earlier than Length Change Tests

P. Rolim
P. Gleize
N. Hasparyk
P. Monteiro

Chemical Method and Variations in the Test for Siliceous Rocks

D. Rothstein
R.L. Carrasquillo
C. Garza

Field and Laboratory Assessment of Cracking Damage from Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Concrete Slabs on Ground, Column Footings and Perimeter Foundations, Midwest USA

F.M. Salles
J.C. Pínfari
S.C. Kuperman
C. Mizumoto
H.dM. Bernardes

Jaguari Hydropower Plant Evaluation, Diagnosis and Control of a Structure Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

Z. Seidlová
R. Přikryl
Z. Pertold
S. Šachlová

Alkali-Silica Reaction of Volcanic Rocks

M.H. Shehata
W. Mikhaeel
M. Lachemi
C. Rogers

Preventive Measures Against Expansion in Concrete Containing Reactive Recycled Concrete Aggregate

B. Hudson
F. Shrimer

Geology and Particle Size Effects on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in Western Canada

I. Sims
P. Nixon
B. Godart

Eliminating Alkali-Aggregate Reaction from Long-Service Structures

F. Tiecher
P.H. Rolim
N.P. Hasparyk
D.C.C.D. Molin
M.E.B. Gomes
P. Glieze

Reactivity Study of Brazilian Aggregates Through Silica Dissolution Analysis

W.S. Tung
S.C. Kuperman
I.A. de Melo
C.R. Dardis

Assessment of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction at Sabesp’s Dams

F. Weise
K. Voland
S. Pirskawetz
D. Meinel

Innovative Measurement Techniques for Characterising Internal Damage Processes in Concrete Due to ASR

C.S. Zoilo
H.dM. Bernardes
F.M. Salles
S.C. Kuperman

Monitoring of Displacements Due to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

C.C. Liu
W.T. Kuo
W.C. Wang
C.Y. Hsu

Influence of Aggregate Content on the Migration Behavior of Cations Using the Accelerated Lithium Migration Technique

W.C. Wang
C.C. Liu
C. Lee

Effect of Electrolyte on the Performance in Electrochemical Repairing Technique for the Concrete Affected by ASR

T. Miyagawa
T. Yamamoto
T. Mihara
K. Era

Controlling ASR Expansion by Lithium Ion Pressurized Injection Method

Y. Boukari
D. Bulteel
P. Rivard
N.E. Abriak

Relevance of a Multi-Scale Approach to Monitor ASR in Concrete

O. Mielich
H.W. Reinhardt

Influence of Phonolite Rock Powder on the Mitigation at an Alkali-Silica Reaction

H.W. Reinhardt
O. Mielich

Mechanical Properties of Concretes with Slowly Reacting Alkali Sensitive Aggregates

A. Shayan
A. Xu
R. Pritchard

Influence of Cathodic Protection Impressed Currents on AAR Expansion of Concrete Containing Reactive Aggregates

T. Ueda
A. Nanasawa

Effect of Electrochemical Penetration of Lithium Ions on Concrete Expansion Due to ASR

A. Shayan
A. Xu
R. Salamy

Confinement of AAR Expansion in Cylindrical Reinforced Columns by CFRP Wrapping

L.M. Gonzalez
A.S. Silva
S. Jalali

A Comparison of Expansion Tests for Alkali-Reactivity of Aggregates, Based on a Kinetics Approach – Part I – Limit Rates Implicit in Reactivity Test Criteria

L.M. Gonzalez
A.S. Silva
S. Jalali

A Comparison of Expansion Tests for Alkali-Reactivity of Aggregates, Based on a Kinetics Approach – Part II – Experimental Rates for Different Types of Aggregates

L.M. Gonzalez
A.S. Silva
D. Soares
S. Jalali

Alkali Silica Reaction in Concrete: Kinetic Modeling the Start of the Expansion. Part 1 – Model Assumptions, Structure and Data Fitting

L.M. Gonzalez
A.S. Silva
D. Soares
S. Jalali

Alkali Silica Reaction in Concrete: Kinetic Modeling the Start of the Expansion. Part 2 – Comparison of Model Estimates with Experimental Data

C.A. MacDonald
C. Rogers
R.D. Hooton

The Relationship Between Laboratory and Field Expansion – Observations at the Kingston Outdoor Exposure Site for ASR After Twenty Years

D. Lu
Y. Zheng
Y. Liu
Z. Xu
M. Tang

Reaction Behaviour of Dolomitic Limestone from Kingston, Canada in Alkali-Activated Geopolymeric Materials

D. Lu
B. Fournier
P. Grattan-Bellew
Z. Xu
Y. Lu
X. Shen
M. Tang

Effectiveness of Fly Ash in Suppressing ASR Expansion in the Universal Accelerated Mortar Bar Test

A. Shayan
A. Xu

Comparison Between In-Situ Expansion Measurements on AAR-Affected Beams, Drilled Cores and Large Sawn Sections

R.D. Hooton
B. Fournier
K. Kerenidis
R. Chevrier

Mitigating Alkali-Silica Reaction When Using High-Alkali Cements

C.A. Milanesi
S. Marfil
P.J. Maiza
O.R. Batic

An Expansive Dolostone from Argentina – The Common Dilemma: ACR or Another Variant of ASR?

H. Takahasi
K. Yamada

Critical Characters of Fly Ash Suppressing ASR

Y. Liu
D. Lu
Y. Zheng
Z. Xu

Reaction Behaviour of Armorphous Silica in Alkali-Activated Geopolymeric Cementitious Materials

T. Katayama

Rim-Forming Dolomitic Aggregate in Concrete Structures in Saudi Arabia – Is Dedolomitization Equal to the So-Called Alkali-Carbonate Reaction?

T. Katayama

ASR Gels and Their Crystalline Phases in Concrete – Universal Products in Alkali – Silica, Alkali – Silicate and Alkali – Carbonate Reactions

T. Katayama

Late-Expansive ASR in a 30-Year Old PC Structure in Eastern Japan

T. Katayama
P.E. Grattan-Bellew

Petrography of the Kingston Experimental Sidewalk at Age 22 Years – ASR as the Cause of Deleteriously Expansive, So-Called Alkali-Carbonate Reaction

F. Moradi-Marani
S.A. Kodjo
P. Rivard
K.J. Folliard

Effectiveness of Nondestructive Tests for Assessing AAR-Damage in the Laboratory

A. Pagnotta
D. Trejo
P. Gardoni

Effects on Impact-Echo Signals Caused by Adjacent Steel Reinforcing Bars and Voids in Lap-Splice Regions: Experimental Study

F. Rajabipour
H. Maraghechi
S.M.H. Shafaatian

ASR and its Mitigation in Mortars Containing Recycled Soda-Lime Glass Aggregates

M. Deng
B. Lin
L. Xu
L. Mo
M. Tang

Release of Na+ and K+ Ions in Cement Pastes Incorporated with Fly Ashes in De-Ionized Water

X. Song
M. Deng
L. Xu
D. Kong
M. Tang

Reaction Products in Systems of CaMg(CO3)2-SiO2-Ca(OH)2-KOH-NaOH-H2O at Temperatures Between 20°C and 60°C

L. Xu
M. Deng
X. Lan

Inhibition of Fly Ash on the Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) in Concrete with Alkali-Reactive Sandstone as Aggregate

P. Hagelia
I. Fernandes

On the AAR Susceptibility of Granitic and Quartzitic Aggregates in View of Petrographic Characteristics and Accelerated Testing

E.R. Giannini
K.J. Folliard

Stiffness Damage and Mechanical Testing of Core Specimens for the Evaluation of Structures Affected by ASR

K. Kreitman
E. Giannini
Z. Webb
K.J. Folliard
O. Bayrak
J. Zhu

Nondestructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures Affected by ASR

I. Fernandes
M.A.T.M. Brockmans
P. Nixon
I. Sims
M.dA. Ribeiro
F. Noronha
B. Wigum

Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Some Common Rock Types a Global Petrographic Atlas

V. Jensen

Reclassification of Alkali Aggregate Reaction

M. Deng
X. Song
X. Lan
X. Huang
M. Tang

Expandability of Alkali-Dolomite Reaction in Dolomitic Limestones

H. Goda
Y. Kawabata
M. Uchino
M. Iwanami
M. Hibino

Application of Digital Image Correlation Method to Strain Release for ASR Deterioration

Y. Kawabata
K. Yamada
H. Matsushita

The Effect of Composition of Cement Hydrates with Supplementary Cementitious Materials on ASR Expansion

Y. Kawabata
T. Ikeda
K. Yamada
Y. Sagawa

Suppression Effect of Fly Ash on ASR Expansion of Mortar/Concrete at the Pessimum Proportion

V. Villeneuve
B. Fournier
J. Duchesne

Determination of the Damage in Concrete Affected by ASR – The Damage Rating Index (DRI)

C.R. Shearer
N. Yeboah
K.E. Kurtis
S.E. Burns

Evaluation of Biomass Fired and Co-Fired Fly Ash for Alkali-Silica Reaction Mitigation in Concrete

V.K. Harish
P.R. Rangaraju

Effect of Lithium Admixtures in VCAS Blended Cements to Mitigate Alkali Silica Reaction

P.L. Fecteau
B. Fournier
M. Choquette
J. Duchesne

Contribution to the Understanding of the So-Called Alkali-Carbonate Reaction (ACR)

B. Fournier
C. Rogers
C.A. MacDonald

Multilaboratory Study of the Concrete Prism and Accelerated Mortar Bar Expansion Tests with Spratt Aggregate

M. Thomas
K. Folliard
B. Fournier
G. Ahlstrom

A Prescriptive Specification for the Selection of Measures for Preventing Alkali-Silica Reaction

T. Drimalas
J.H. Ideker
G. Arrietta
K.J. Folliard
B. Fournier
M.D.A. Thomas

Evaluating Combination of Aggregates in the Accelerated Mortar Bar Test

T. Drimalas
K.J. Folliard
M.D.A. Thomas
B. Fournier
A. Bentivegna

Study of the Effectiveness of Lithium and Silane Treatments on Field Structures Affected by ASR

K.J. Folliard
M.D.A. Thomas
B. Fournier
Y. Resendez
T. Drimalas
A. Bentivegna

Evaluation of Mitigation Measures Applied to ASR-Affected Concrete Elements: Preliminary Findings from Austin, TX Exposure Site

S. Hayman
M. Thomas
T. Drimalas
K. Folliard

Deterioration of Concretes Exposed to Potassium Acetate Due to Alkali-Silica Reaction

J.H. Ideker
T. Drimalas
A.F. Bentivegna
K.J. Folliard
B. Fournier
M.D.A. Thomas
R.D. Hooton
C.A. Rogers

The importance of Outdoor Exposure Site Testing

M.D.A. Thomas
K.J. Folliard
B. Fournier
T. Drimalas
P. Rivard

Study of Remedial Actions on Highway Structures Affected by ASR

E. Menéndez
N. Préndez
C. Márquez
B. Aldea

Evaluation of Granitic Aggregates Behavior in Relation with the Alkaline Extraction and Compositional Change in Their Phases

E. Brouard

Potentially Reactive Aggregates with a Pessimum Effect Pessimum Effect Mechanisms, Review of PRP Qualification Tests and Conditions of Use of These Aggregates

B. Lagerblad

Alkali Release from Silicate Minerals and Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete

C. Giebson
K. Seyfarth
H.M. Ludwig

Correlation of ASR Performance Testing for Highway Pavement Concretes with Field Performance and Investigations into Boosting the Alkali Level

H. Pyy
M. Ferreira
E. Holt

Assessing the Extent of AAR in Finland

L. Charpin
A. Ehrlacher

A Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics-Based Study of the Influence of Aggregate Size and Gel Mechanical Properties During Alkali-Silica Reaction

S. Beauchemin
B. Fournier

Petrographic Analysis of Aggregate Particles Used in the Accelerated Mortar Bar Test for Evaluating the Potential Alkali-Reactivity of Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA)

L. Sanchez
P. Salva
B. Fournier
M. Jolin
N. Pouliot
A. Hovington

Evaluation of Damage in the Concrete Elements of the Viaduct “Robert-Bourassa-Charest” After Nearly 50 Years in Service

S. Tremblay
B. Fournier
M. Thomas
T. Drimalas
K. Folliard

The Lomas Boulevard Road Test Site, Albuquerque (New Mexico) – A Case Stud on the Use of Preventive Measures Against ASR in New Concrete

P.L. Fecteau
B. Fournier

Residual Expansion Testing: New Aspects on Cores Extracted from Exposure Blocks Submitted to Environmental Conditions

M.A. Bérube
B. Fournier
T. Côté

Testing Concrete Cores for Residual Expansion Due to AAR – An Attempt to Minimize Alkali Leaching and Consequent Unrealistic Expansion Decrease

M.A. Bérube
B. Fournier
T. Côté

Using the Damage Rating Index for Assessing the Expansion of Concrete Affected by Freeze-Thaw, Sulphate Attack, or ASR

L. Sanchez
B. Fournier
M. Jolin

Critical Parameters of the Stiffness Damage Test for Assessing Concrete Damage Due to Alkali-Silica Reaction

J. Rodríguez
P. González
F. Martínez
J. Martí

Concrete Swelling in a Double Curvature Dam

V. Jensen

The Controversy of Alkali Carbonate Reaction: State of Art on the Reaction Mechanisms and Behaviour in Concrete